The plan was simple. Head for the “Plume” and await bruv-in-law. However, we were running late (as per usual) and we were greeted by bruv at the zebra crossing. Apparently, no small children were allowed in the Plume and we had to make other plans. Luckily, the “Old Orleans” feedbowl on the roundabout caters for little folk and we awaited the arrival of in-laws before setting off.
Not been to the “Old Orleans” before, but it was decked out as a US eaterie. The food was OK-ish, but the booze better. A good time was had by all and we spent time chewing the fat and making a fuss of baby niece, who has grown loads since the last time we saw her. It was good to get together. We don’t do it half enough for various reasons.
I amazed The Missus by winning a requested tiger out of the grabber machine in the small arcade section in the establishment. It’s good to know that I can still impress her with my deftness on the old claw machine. My deftness is legend…
But yes, The Missus had a good birthday time and we had been celebrating most of the weekend. On Saturday night, it was sampling “Beers of the World” while listening to the latest Peter Hammill remasters. On Sunday, it was the family get together and on Monday a shopping trip was proposed to spend her birthday money.

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