I realised that Movable Type – the content management system I use for this blog thing – had been updated, so being a good drone I installed the update. Hurrah, I got new features and stuff. I also began messing around with the standard templates that came with MT and settled on this little number. OK – it’s not that visually exciting but it means I can do diddley squat and let the system update itself. No more HTML, hurrah!
For my regular visitor, you will be interested to know that you can now leave comments on this weblog. I never had it activated before (the dummy) but now you can use it, so feel free to hurl your abuse.
Yesterday, I managed to blow-up (not literally) The Missus’ computer. I think the heat got to it and it just stopped working. So today, I took it apart, cleared the CMOS and voila it works again. I was worried something had blown before because it wouldn’t boot at all. A night cooling down and clearing the system memory worked wonders. Gee, I am a real PC expert – shame I’m finding it harder to get magazines to commission me some more. The pond is getting smaller while the fish have nowhere to go. It’s a bit like one of those watering holes in the Serengheti – when the dry season comes the fish die because the water evaporates. That’s a bit like being a freelancer at the moment. Of course, it’s probably because I am a bad writer and no-one likes my work. It’s so hard to tell because you get zero feedback. What I do know is that getting work isn’t about what you know, but who you know…and this sucks big time because the people I know aren’t in a position to commission me. Oh well – mustn’t fucking grumble. 🙂
In the garden, Alex returned from under a bush with a little green gritter on his back. Yes – it was a baby grasshopper/cricket. Look –

In the post: Archer McClean’s Mercury – a puzzle game for my Sony PSP, which involves negotiating a blob of mercury around a course. Clever and addictive stuff.

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