Track Listing
1. In the Fire
2. It’s About Time
3. The Last Straw
4. Big Calm…
5. …With Diamonds
6. By this River
7. DreamOut
8. Scorpion Dance
9. Ragamuffin
10. Spanish Fly MP3
11. The Cocksucker Blues MP3
12. Trumpster
13. Spaced
14. Inferno
The reason this CD is called “It’s About Time” is because it seemed to take me ages to get into my stride when recording this one. It needed to be beaty in places and acoustic in others, there needed to be enough room for ambient soundscapes and crashing electric guitars. I worked long and hard on the drum loops and various ideas but the recording process was rather slow. I became obsessed with perfecting tracks and often rerecorded them from scratch.
For my 30th birthday I was lucky enough to travel to Los Angeles in the good ol’ US of A and I arranged to pick up an Ashbory Bass from a local guitar shop. The Ashbory is a miniature bass instrument with silicon rubber strings and makes the most amazing noise – it sounds like an upright bass. I put it to good use on this CD and you can hear it on “Spaced” and my prog reggae masterpiece “Ragamuffin”.
My personal faves from this collection include “Spanish Fly” and “The Cocksucker Blues”.

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