I am a screaming statwhore and so I am always checking exactly how much data is being sucked out of this website. It gives me a satisfying feeling that I am shoving over 100Gb of music down the open mouths of the unwary Internet traveller looking for free MP3 files. Though I must admit I became rather alarmed today when I noticed that yesterday I had racked up over 70Gb of traffic in one day. One day…70Gb of data whooshing from here to who knows where. That scared me. Scared me lots…
I mean that’s probably the daily rate of a hardcore porn site or something? So I checke and it turned out that for some unknown reason one of my older songs had racked an unbelievable 27000+ access. The song is “Jolly Good Mood Music” and gawd knows why it is proving to be so popular? It was recorded 10 years ago when I was still struggling with the mystical art of sound recording and is a bit shite. Oh well, who can explain it?
Meanwhile, I managed to fix the wobbly audio on my “Seville” video and I’ve uploaded a High-Def version so you can see every spot and pock-mark on my corpulant, sweaty, saggy sad old face. Look at that face…it’s as if Droppy the Dog has mated with a badly stuffed cushion. Poor bastard. Look at those blood-shot, tired eyes…what must his baby daughter think when she sees such a vision at the side of her cot?
Well she just laughs at me, because I am officially the funniest thing in her world. And that suits me fine…
By the way, you can download the Hi-Def video from here

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