…often go awry.

It always surprises me how quickly life can go to pieces. Sometimes it can be instantaneous, as quickly as a car smashing into your home and business and destroying everything you’ve earnt and invested in for over a decade. In other instances the drip-drip-drip of the inevitable, albeit metaphorical car crash in this instance, is a much more measured, slower affair. The tale is told in freeze frame, edged-on, moment-by-moment, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week…until the obvious resolution smashes you in the face. Even though the impact was drawn out and slow, it is still an impact.

And so the planning of the last four months is left in tatters once more. My grandmother always warned me against having plans, but in the modern world if you are without a map or compass, you literally are going to end up fed to the dogs.

But here we are back at the start…again.

Next Tuesday, I have a job interview. Maybe I can rescue this one, but I fear it is too little, too late.

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