Paranoia reigns supreme as I notice on my access stats an individual from Beijing in China accessing my site twice daily via this curious link, which appears to be some kind of Chinese stat website. Why would anyone be that interested in my little old site, especially those in China? Perhaps my fame has reached to foreign shores and my music pirated far and wide in China to the point that I’m a national celebrity? Of course, I jest. But I do wonder what this link is? What is it? What does it do? Make yourself known whoever you are…
Meanwhile, as an addendum almost to my post about the music biz the other day, it seems that the shady shenanigans and “win-win” machinations of the fame machine strike agani. This time Britain’s Got Talent winner George Sampson is on the wrong end of the sweet smell of success and claims that despite having a top-selling DVD he’s in debt to Simon Cowell because the percentages are against him and he has to foot the bill. Who wants fame, eh?

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